We seek to get involved early in the design phase so that we can manage the project more efficiently, provide effective building solutions, and identify challenges early on to mitigate design changes after construction commencement.consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim minim veniam ostrud exercitation.
This involves detailed pre-construction planning crucial to successful construction and on-time delivery, and allows the client and team a clear pathway to the bidding process, construction phase, and through to completion.
As the general contractor, we first create the highest level of trust and integrity with our clients.
Cross-Link Electric & Construction Corporation is dedicated to provide quality services to its customers for Electrical, Mechanical, Civil Structural, General Construction and Trade of Products by undertaking the following:
Integrate quality values and culture into our leadership, management, and all functions of our company, and with consideration to the context of the company.
Achieve and maintain a QMS in accordance to ISO 9001.
Continuous improvement of our products and services at all times.
Develop strong public image in the industry by providing excellent products and services quality and workmanship.
The management and staff of Cross-Link Electric & Construction Corporation shall strive to achieve the quality objectives in line with its quality policy as mentioned below.
The management and staff of Cross-Link Electric & Construction Corporation shall strive to achieve the quality objectives in line with its quality policy as mentioned below.
To create and sustain the environment for quality excellence by conducting at least one (1) training session per year related to ISO awareness or quality management stage.
To conduct a minimum of one (1) systematic reengineering review for each project, i.e. prior to implementation approval by a customer or at mid implementation stage.
To ensure the highest level of Business Ethics, please be informed of below guidelines.
Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation employees, immediate family members and
representatives, are NOT allowed to solicit and accept any form of gift of value, rebate, loan commission, service,
discounts, personal favor, or remuneration from CLECC’s subcontractors, suppliers and clients at any
Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation shall NOT purchase goods or services from any company
which is under the control or influence of a former Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation
employee within one (1) year after the termination date from CLECC. These former CLECC employees
may not be assigned to work inside CLECC premises.
Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation employees or immediate family members shall NOT act as
consultant/s to any of our suppliers;
Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation employees shall NOT recommend nor influence the
purchase of products or services from a company (and its subsidiaries) where that CLECC employee has
business or personal interest.
Any form of entertainment and courtesy expenses (such as meals) extended to Cross-link Electric &
Construction Corporation employees are NOT allowed, unless approved by the employee’s Director and
Suppliers are not allowed to discuss commercial details (such as pricing) with Cross-link Electric &
Construction Corporation Employees, except with authorized representatives from CLECC Procurement
& Logistics (P&L) or Contract Manager.
Suppliers MUST comply with all applicable Government Laws (ie. DOLE, Bureau of Customs, PEZA, BIR,
etc) and ALL provisions in CLECC’s Purchase Orders and/or Master Service Agreements.
A whistle-blower is defined as a person who “blow the whistle” or “Raise the Voice” against anything which is not Right or not legal action at Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation. Whistle-blower meaning or make its definition simpler "it is like Standing up against anything which is harmful or against the betterment”.
The company gives freedom and allows their employees to report or telling the management the Facts and putting a Stop on all unethical immoral or illegal work. its objective is to create the open work environment practice within the organization to encourage employee to raise the voice on wrongdoings and enhance the belongingness. Cross-link Electric & Construction Corporation allows rights to every employee to rises their voice or complains for any misconduct, bad or harmful behaviour, illegal and unethical activity, Loss of Intellectual properties, sharing business information which are highly private and confidential.
To give employees to raise their concern against any wrongdoing done by the company and to protect employees against retaliation due to whistle blowing. The company is committed for doing business in ethical ways and therefore an employee should raise their concern if they come across any behaviour, activity which is suspected to be unethical and dangerous for the company.
This policy is applicable to all employees permanent or contractual of the company.
It is the responsibility of all employees of a company to raise their concern against any unethical behavior or any wrongdoing in the company as laid down in the whistle blowing policy and procedure.
Any illegal activity which is not reported despite knowing will be considered as a breach of ethical behavior. It will be considered as unethical behavior.
There should be no retaliation against the person who is whistleblower. Retaliation includes suspension or decrease in salary etc., any assignment which is of poor quality or any threats given to employee verbally or in writing.
The organization cannot discriminate against any person regarding the salary or other terms of employment.
The company cannot discriminate against an employee who is helping in the investigation process of any matter related to any public concern.
Sharing of information that should be kept secret otherwise.
The whistle-blower policy includes breach of the code of conduct or happening of any activity which is not legally permissible in the company.
Fraud, misrepresentation, any kind of theft or abuse of authority, getting hold of confidential Information any kind of discrimination is included under the whistleblower policy.
As per the whistleblowing procedure, there must not be any revenge against the employee who has raised the concern for breach of any code of conduct or integrity issue. Employee raising concern should not be penalized. In case of retaliation, strict disciplinary action will be taken. These issues can be raised to HR.
Below mentioned list gives some of the area where the breach of the code of conduct is observed. However, there can be reasons beyond the list as well:
Any kind of Harassment or discrimination
Sharing of confidential information
Any breach of privacy
Any kind of Fraud or Fraudulent
Misrepresentation of financial data
Any kind of illegal activity
Invalid promotion
Illegal sales activity
Conflict of interest
Trading within the company
Illegal competitive behaviors
Improper use of company assets.
Above list are some example but are not limited to that.
Every construction is unique in scope, but process is systemically applied to each construction project.
We seek to get involved early in the design phase so that we can manage the project more efficiently, provide effective building solutions, and identify challenges early on to mitigate design changes after construction commencement. Sed nibh turpis, sodales sit amet faucibus clear.
This involves detailed pre-construction planning crucial to successful construction and on-time delivery, and allows the client and team a clear pathway to the bidding process, construction phase, and through to completion.